Saturday, October 20, 2012

God said, "So I want you to go up!"

        Oh, the Lord never ceases to amaze me. His lovingkindness is never ending toward me and my most precious husband Ron! He is providing a new home for us because He is our beloved and we are His! We'll be moving to a 34 acre property about 5 miles south out of Clarksville, Texas, the County Seat of Red River County, since the early 1800s known as the 'Gateway to Texas! It still gives me chillbumps when I bring that up as we know that we know God led us here and has a divine purpose for us to serve Him here in revival. 
        He even gave me a new song about it. I wish I could link to it, I have it on a file in my computer, but don't know how to attach it. (if any of you can help with that, feel free to e'me at or call me at 469-867-2624 : ) I can put the lyrics herein though:

               I heard my husband praying.
                   He was praying for God’s Spirit;
              Praying for God’s Spirit to move in a mighty way.
                   Said, “Lord, I want to be a part of a great revival.
              I want to share the Good News and teach Your children how to pray.”
                            Oh, the way of the Lord isn’t always easy.
                            Sometimes what He asks of you requires sacrifice,
                           But if you’ll trust and follow Him where ever He leads you,
                           You’ll know freedom, peace and joy, and all the blessings of life.
 And the Lord answered     2nd verse
             “There’s some people who’ve been praying.
                    They’ve been praying for My Spirit;
               Praying for My Spirit to move in a mighty way.
                    So now I want you to go up into Red River County.
               I’ll shine my light bright to show you the way.”
                                            Chorus then 3rd verse
               So we packed up all our bags
                    And loaded up the livestock.
               Took our sons and grandsons, too, for a brand new start.
                    Our heart’s desire was to obey, do His will, bring Him glory,
               So we headed north to parts unknown on a sunny spring Sunday.  
                                            Chorus then 4th verse
               So here we are now and we’re prayin’
                    We’re praying for God’s Spirit;
               Praying for God’s Spirit to move in a mighty way.
                    We’re going to lift His name up high, then He’ll draw all men to Him.
               He’ll forgive them all their sins; pay all their debt they could not pay.
                                            Chorus then 5th verse
              Won’t you come and join us prayin’?
                    Come, let’s be praying for God’s Spirit;
              Pray together for God’s Spirit to move in a mighty way.
                    In unity we’ll welcome God’s Holy Spirit
              He’ll teach us how to love, where to go, and what to say.
                                   Chorus         The End

        So in March of 2008, we followed His bright light to Red River County and have lived in Lydia almost 5 years now. The very first week in our little country farmhouse, we had a tornado and it snowed! It's a beautiful place we call the Lydia Branch of our River Bottom Ranch. ( It wasn't an easy thing to do - leave our life-long home to go to a place where we knew no one, had no job waiting, and no 'padding' in a savings account to help us get by, but we knew who told us to go and that He alone is our Jehovah Jireh!

We could not love it more here! And while I must admit, I thought REVIVAL would have already come including miracles galore! He said we'd do greater works that He had which to me, means dead raised to life again, cancers healed, blind eyes opened and all the rest! And it hasn't - YET! But the more days that pass without it's beginning excited me all the more because I know that it's one day closer!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fathers' Day Roller Coaster Ride

          Well, I know I'm doing things all backwards, but such as it is when you're sixty-two and because life is so busy you forgot you had a blog. Once I get through all the important stuff that has happened this year, then I'll be keeping up from now on because I NEED to get going on being dedicated to it! SO:
Treated Daddy to his favorite breakfast at Le Peeps in Bedford.
        Ron and I went to his brother Bruce's home in Colleyville (about three hours from our place in Red River County) the weekend of Fathers' Day so I could take Daddy (he's 84 this year) out to breakfast and dote on him a little. I used to see him all the time - like every day before we moved up to Red River County and he really misses me - and I miss him!

(L-R) Bruce, Ron and me, Grami - a.k.a. Caryl - at the Acquire table
         Whenever we get together with Bruce, we ALWAYS play Acquire. It's a game of high finance that we've been playing more than 35 years - and we've got score sheets from that far back : ). I highly recommend it : ) So, after breakfast, we were playing a few games (only takes us about 45 minutes) when Ron jumped up and started pulling his shirt off going, "Whew, my, I'm so hot." He went and hung his head over the commode thinking he might throw up. He cooled down a bit and put his shirts back on going to the living room to sit down. I went to and put his symptoms in while Bruce searched for an aspirin, calling neighbors when he couldn't find one. Feeling how crazy Ron's heart was beating, I told Bruce to, and we decided to get to the hospital.. Bruce (the older brother) insisted, Praise God! 
        When we arrived they took him right back and on finding his heart rate at 232 beats a minute; I heard a nurse say he was in V-tach, but didn't know what that meant. I never was afraid. Ron wasn't hurting and never lost consciousness - which amazed the doctors we later found out. They put the paddles to him and shocked him back into a normal rhythm then admitted him to ICU. The next morning, they did an angiogram, determined there were no blockages, and scheduled him for a defibrillator/pacemaker implant which took place Monday morning before noon. Tuesday, we left the hospital for a week re-cooping at Bruce and Carol's (Isn't that funny? There are two Caryl McAdoos though we spell them differently : ) 
        Ron not being able to 'work' farming or cutting Bois d'arc fence posts was the reason we were able to finish the historical Christian romance VOW UNBROKEN in such a short period of time. BTW, he had his 3 month check-up and all the docs were amazed at how quickly and how much he had improved. All the glory goes to God.
          I know that I know God is not through with my wonderful husband yet! We have had a vision and it has not come to pass yet. We know God brought us to Red River County in March 2008 for His purpose and we both believe it is for us to be here when the revival starts. What do they call Red River County? "The Gateway to Texas!" I know that I know I will have awesome testimonies to share here on Grami's Gabbin'! Stay tuned for all the excitement! God isn't finished yet!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

2012  - - - ♪♫•What a year this has been♥* Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ¨♥*•What a rare mood I'm in.♪♫.• *♪¨*♥•♫♪ Why, it's almost♪♫•*♥ like being ¨♪*•.♪♫in LOVE!✞¸.•*♥♪

I just knew this was going to be a good year! Twelve months ago, Ron and I went to Mt. Pleasant (30 minutes from home) to a NETWO (North East Texas Writers' Organization meeting then joined in January 2012. At the end of April, we attended their Spring Conference where we met Mary Sue 'McAdoo' Seymour of New York's 'The Seymour Agency'. Can you even BELIEVE her maiden name!  God has such a great sense of humor and way of whacking you on the head to get your attention! A divine connection! We volunteered to carry her to the DFW Airport from Mt. Pleasant after the conference ended. We had time to visit and she said historical Christian romances were selling well.
First of May, we started VOW UNBROKEN which we finished in June and sent to her in July. She signed us to a contract for representation in August, and this past week, on 10-11-12, Howard Books, a division of Simon and Schuster, made me an offer on it as only my name is given as author : ) This was okay with Ron since our chacking accout is joint : ) Release date, Spring 2014. I knew this was going to be a great year!
♫♪ And God's been doing even more! ♪♫Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✞giving me more New Songs all along, some FUN ones this year!•*¨♥*••♥stay tuned•♫♪ Happy Days!